What is an electrical inspection?
During an electrical inspection, an expert determines whether or not a building's electrical installation is safe and complies with the applicable standards and regulations (AREI).
Having an electrical inspection carried out prevents potential hazards such as short circuits, electric shock and fire.
The inspection should always be carried out by a recognised specialist. The inspection includes checking the electrical wiring, switches, sockets, lighting and other electrical components.
The results of the inspection are recorded in a report and can be used as proof of the safety of the electrical system.
At Vastgoedexperts, we ensure that your electrical inspection is always carried out by a firm from the list of approved inspection bodies.
Is an electrical inspection mandatory?
In Belgium, an attestation for the electrical installation is mandatory when selling/leasing residential, commercial and public buildings.
If the installation dates from before 1 October 1981, a new electrical inspection must be carried out anyway.
The regulations surrounding electrical inspections still change regularly. Do you still have questions? Do not hesitate and contact our experts without any obligation.

What documents should you be able to present during an inspection?
- A description of the electrical installation including its location, size and power supply.
- A one-wire diagram showing the components of the system and the connections between them.
- The situation plan including the location of the distribution box, switches, sockets, lighting and other components.
- Any existing inspection reports or technical reports related to the electrical system. For example, if solar panels are present, additional technical reports are required.
- Any permits or certificates obtained for the plant or building.
For whom are electrical inspections mandatory in Belgium?
-Dwellings: Electrical inspections are mandatory for homes when they are sold or rented out, or when they are remodelled or modified.
- Commercial buildings: Commercial buildings should undergo regular electrical inspections to ensure that the installation meets the required safety and fire prevention requirements.
- Public buildings: Public buildings, such as schools, hospitals and government buildings, should undergo regular electrical inspections.
How does an electrical inspection work in Belgium?
1. Preparation
The owner ensures that the electrical installation is accessible to our expert.
2. Visual inspection
Our expert will carry out an inspection, looking for any defects and damage.
3. Testing
Our expert will test the installation to determine its safety and soundness. This may include testing earth leakage switches, surge protections and earthing.
4. Report
After the inspection, our expert will prepare a report with the results of the inspection.
5. Implementation
If breaches are found after the inspection, they must be resolved within an imposed time limit: Within 12 months if the house was built after 1981, within 18 months if the house is older.
Attention, a new electrical inspection must be carried out after these modifications!
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