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Would you like more detailed information about our services or do you still have questions about EPC, asbestos or other inspection regulations? Then be sure to read our blogs below. In them we go into detail on various topics so that you are well informed before you request an inspection.

Vastgoedexperts launches own podcast!
Table of contents Why this podcast? Recording location What topics will we cover? Where can the podcast be found? Conclusion Why this podcast? At Vastgoedexperts, we did not sit back in 2024. Thus, we are

What is a good EPC score?
If you are looking to buy or sell a house, you are most likely wondering whether the EPC score or the label, which appears on the energy performance certificate (EPC), is actually good or bad. To answer this

Placing an order as an individual in 10 easy steps
How can I request an inspection? Thanks to our new application form for individuals, it is easier than ever to apply for an inspection. In this blog, we explain how to request an EPC inspection in just a few minutes,

The non-residential EPC: A key document towards climate-neutral buildings in 2050
The non-residential EPC, also called EPC NR later in this article, gives more insight into the energy efficiency of non-residential buildings such as office buildings, hospitals, schools and so on. In other words, these are buildings that are not lived in

What is an EPC attestation
Everyone has heard of the EPC certificate by now. Especially for people looking to buy or sell a property, it is an unmistakable document, as it gives a clear picture of the energy performance of

Oil tank decommissioning: Everything you need to know
Many people choose to say goodbye to their oil tank and switch to other, more sustainable ways of heating such as natural gas or a heat pump. If you want to have your heating oil tank decommissioned, his

Obligations EPC non-residential: 5 key deadlines
Legislation never stands still and the policy regarding the energy performance certificate (EPC) of non-residential buildings also has new obligations. But what should you all pay attention to now and by when should it be in order

Asbestos certificate common parts: Avoid problems when selling
As a property owner, you are probably already familiar with the regular asbestos certificate that is mandatory when selling a property. But from 1 May 2025, an asbestos certificate will also become compulsory for common parts

The 2050 energy label
No doubt you have heard of it. Energielabel2050 was created by the Flemish government to reduce CO2 emissions. The government wants every home to be energy efficient by 2050. To

What does an asbestos inventory look like?
In the past, the dangerous asbestos was often used in construction because of its heat-resistant, insulating and moisture-resistant properties. Unfortunately, exposure to asbestos can lead to serious to even fatal diseases such as lung cancer, asbestosis

New concept & expansion of immobiles 2022
A real estate sign has long been an important element of your marketing as a real estate agent. When these signs are quality and unique, you stand out among the crowd as a real estate agent. At Real Estate Experts, we realise this

Even more under one roof: fuel oil tank remediation
We recently started offering another new service: fuel oil tank remediation. You can turn to Tanksanering Vastgoed Experts for tank remediation, tank inspections and fuel oil tank installation. In this blog, we tell you all about what

What is a placeholder?
A site description, also known as a 'state of finding', is a comprehensive record of the actual condition of a property at the time. This document lists a variety of features and details of the property. Often

Asbestos inventory mandatory from November 2022: what does it entail?
On 23 November 2022, the new asbestos inventory will become compulsory by OVAM with the aim of achieving an asbestos-safe Flanders by 2040. For example, without the asbestos certificate, you can no longer have deeds drawn up. But what

The importance of good real estate photography
Every property is unique. And so should real estate photos be. Because each property has its own style and character, each house or flat also deserves its own individual approach to portray it in the best possible light.

Inspection of your electrical installation (AREI)
Electricity is something so banal that we do not dwell on how it works. More than before, electricity is part of our daily lives. Almost every innovative gadget that appears on the market is in multiple

You need these inspections when selling/renting a property
There is a lot involved in selling or renting a property. For example, in sales advertisements, it is mandatory to mention certain info. Mandatory inspections are therefore very important. We explain which inspections

Important adjustment in EPC inspection of common parts
Flemish government adjusts timing for EPC of common parts. For apartment buildings with at least 15 residential units, deadline of 1/1/2022 is retained. Smaller buildings will get 1 or 2 years postponement. Under current regulations,

EPC inspection common parts: what you absolutely need to know
Recently, some changes have again been made regarding the EPC inspection for common parts. EPC For a brief refresher on what an EPC entails, please refer to one of our previous blog articles. EPC-GD An EPC-GD is an "energy performance certificate for

What is the R-value and how to calculate it yourself?
When people talk about insulation, they quickly talk about insulation values. After all, terms like the R-value you will come across when you start working with insulation materials. But what exactly does this term mean?

6 Good reasons to sell through a real estate agent
Selling a house or flat, let's face it, most of us don't do it every day. It is a special event, usually closing an era and at the same time ushering in the beginning of a