The energy label in the Netherlands
Besides its Belgian branches, Vastgoedexperts also has a division in the Netherlands dedicated to energy labels.
The energy label indicates how energy-efficient a property is. As an owner, you are obliged to be able to present an energy label to the buyer or tenant when you sell or rent your home. This obligation also applies if you build or have a new home built.
Thanks to the energy label, potential buyers/tenants immediately know how energy-efficient the property they are interested in is. It also gives an indication of energy bills. The energy label also has a big impact on the price of a property. The better your energy score, the higher the price of the property and vice versa.
The energy label is valid for 10 years from the recording date. If you have made improvements to your home, you are free to have a new energy label drawn up. This may be wise, for example, if you want to sell your home.
The energy label and your mortgage
Did you know that the energy label can also have an impact on your mortgage with the bank? A favourable energy label can mean you can borrow more from some banks to buy your home. Owners with a sustainable home will have lower energy costs, justifying a higher mortgage amount.

How does an inspection take place?
An energy expert from Vastgoedexperts comes on site and carries out a thorough analysis of the heating system, hot water production, windows and doors, renewable energy, etc. The insulation materials used also play an important role in determining the energy label.
In each case, the examination is carried out according to the guidelines prescribed by ISSO. Thanks to these guidelines, there is no room for interpretation for the on-site inspector. At Vastgoedexperts, we attach great importance to a high-quality and objective energy label. Our energy experts are true experts in their field and regularly receive additional training to further sharpen their knowledge and skills.
Based on our expert's findings, your home is given an energy score ranging from score A++++ (hugely energy efficient) to a G label (not energy efficient at all). Fortunately, there are many interventions you can do to improve your home's energy score. The energy label also includes advice on how you can make your home more energy efficient in the future.
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