Oil tank inspection

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What is the importance of an oil tank inspection?

If you choose to continue heating your home with fuel oil, it is important to be well aware of some obligations.

Every heating oil tank, whether above or below ground, must be inspected immediately after installation before it is put into service. Even after commissioning, you should have your fuel oil tank inspected regularly. Exactly how frequently you should have your fuel oil tank inspected depends on the contents of the tank and whether it is an above-ground or underground tank.

An underground tank here means a tank completely buried in the ground. So a fuel oil tank in a basement is not considered an underground tank.

Less than 6000 litres

Underground tank

Is it an underground fuel oil tank with a capacity of 6,000 litres or less? Then the tank must be inspected every five years. In this way, the Flemish government wants to combat the risk of groundwater and soil pollution. An underground heating oil tank put into service before 1 August 1995 had to undergo its first periodic inspection before 1 August 2002.

Above-ground tank

Do you have an above-ground fuel oil tank of 6,000 litres or less? Then since 1 March 2009 you no longer have to have it periodically inspected. Only the inspection at the time of installation is then mandatory. If it concerns an above-ground fuel oil tank that was put into service before 1 March 2009, the 'date for next inspection' on the last maintenance certificate will determine whether an inspection is still required.

Does the last maintenance certificate state that the next inspection was due on 1 March 2009 or later? Then you are not obliged to have your tank inspected periodically. Does the last maintenance certificate state that the next inspection was due on a date before 1 March 2009? Then you are obliged to have the heating oil tank inspected one last time.

More than 6,000 litres

Underground tank

Does your oil tank contain more than 6,000 litres and is an underground tank? Then you must have a limited inspection every two years and a thorough general examination every 15 years.

Above-ground tank

Is it an above-ground tank? Then you need to have the tank undergo a limited inspection every three years. A major general examination is only necessary if the tank has a capacity of more than 20 000 litres. In that case, a major general examination must be carried out every 20 years.

How does it work?

After performing the inspection, we will give you a certificate of conformity. This is a document showing that your oil tank meets all technical requirements. With such a certificate, you are also covered under insurance should anything happen.

Even if, for example, fuel oil is in danger of penetrating the ground, you avoid sky-high costs for soil remediation with the certificate of conformity. Without a certificate of conformity, the fuel oil supplier will not be allowed to fill your tank.

What if I sell my house with an oil tank?

When selling a property, you are required to have a valid certificate of conformity. In this case, the tank is equipped with a green mark plate, affixed by a recognised fuel oil technician. Without a conformity certificate, the buyer is not in compliance with environmental legislation.

What if my oil tank is rejected?

If your fuel oil tank is rejected, you must repair everything according to the legal requirements. Afterwards, you can request a new inspection. For all your questions about inspections of heating oil tanks, contact one of our experts.

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