Vastgoedexperts launches own podcast!


Vastgoedexperts launches own podcast!

Table of contents:

  • Why this podcast?
  • Recording location
  • What topics will we cover?
  • Where can the podcast be found?
  • Conclusion

Why this podcast?

At Real Estate Experts, we didn't stop at 2024. For instance, we recently started our own podcast! The purpose of Vastgoedexperts: The Podcast is to inform our customers as well as possible about the different types of inspections you need to have carried out when (re)buying or (re)renting real estate.

A sale or rental of real estate comes with a lot of obligations these days, and we find that many people are unaware of these, or insufficiently aware of them. For example, there is the EPC certificate, the asbestos certificate, the electrical inspection, inspection of your heating oil tank,... If you can no longer see the wood for the trees, then perhaps Real Estate Experts: The Podcast is for you.

For example, many people do not know that an EPC inspection is a non-destructive testing, meaning that no holes are made in the walls or ceiling to determine the type of insulation. It is therefore important for owners to have supporting documents such as invoices, photos, building plans, etc. available. These documents can be provided to our energy expert even after the inspection.

The recordings of the Real Estate Experts Podcast

The filming of Real Estate Experts: The Podcast will take place at a very special location, namely the football stadium of Racing Genk. Real Estate Experts has its own lodge there, fully decorated in Real Estate Experts style for the occasion. The walls were also lined with soundproof wall panels especially for our podcast. This way, we guarantee not only a peak image, but also crystal-clear sound.

We deliberately chose to include Real Estate Experts: The Podcast in both sound and vision. We realise that not everyone uses podcast channels like Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Therefore, we decided to film the podcast as well, so that we can also inform our customers about our range of services via social media and our website.

What topics will we cover?

In each episode, we let one of our experts talk about 1 specific inspection, so that you are fully aware of all legal obligations. We also explain in detail how an inspection takes place and which documents it is best to have ready to facilitate the work of our colleague on site. So expect lots of practical tips that can be useful for every property owner or tenant.

Some of the topics we will cover are the EPC, the asbestattest, the electrical inspection, place descriptions, inspections/sanitisation of saline tanks,... But in addition to inspections, Real Estate Experts is also known for its immoborden and real estate photography. We will delve into that too in Real Estate Experts: The Podcast. For example, what is the importance of quality real estate photos and can an immoboard effectively facilitate the sale of a property?

In addition, we will also cover more specific topics such as the EPC non-residential and the common parts asbestos certificate. So our podcast is aimed at both the ordinary property owner and professional investors or brokers looking for very specific information.

Where can Real Estate Experts: The Podcast be found?

All episodes of Real Estate Experts: The Podcast can be found on the Youtube channel of Real Estate Experts, as well as on well-known podcast channels such as Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Also on our website you can always rewatch or re-listen to all episodes.

Whenever we upload a new episode, we will always announce it through our social media channels. So be sure to keep our Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin page in order not to miss anything!


Would you like to learn more about the different services that Real Estate Experts has to offer? Then Vastgoedexperts: The Podcast can offer you the information you need. Of course, we are also always available by phone or e-mail for all your questions:
014 89 34 76


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