Asbestos certificate

Apply for your asbestos certificate now

Asbestos certificate

A asbestos certificate is a document that describes all asbestos-containing materials in a building or work zone. It is always prepared after an on-site inspection.

Without a valid asbestos certificate, the deed cannot be passed at the notary. It is therefore an indispensable document when selling a property.

An asbestos certificate is usually valid for 10 years, but when high-risk materials are present, the validity is limited to only five years.

When is an asbestos certificate mandatory?

Since 23 November 2022, all buildings built before 2001 must have an asbestos certificate at the time of sale. This allows the buyer to know whether or not asbestos is present in the building and how to deal with it. An asbestos certificate is also compulsory when selling a garage box.

From 2032, every building built before 2001 must have an asbestos certificate, even if there is no sale.

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Asbestos certificate for common parts?

From 2025, the asbestos certificate will also be mandatory for the common parts of apartment buildings built before 2001. These include, for example, the corridors, stairs, lifts, parking spaces and other common areas.

It is important to detect the presence of asbestos in the common parts as soon as possible to minimise health risks to residents. The asbestos certificate of the common parts is separate from the asbestos certificate of the different flats.

From 2032, every owner of a property built before 2001 must have an asbestos certificate for the common parts, even if there is no sale.

Obligations for the owner

First and foremost, the owner should fill in the assignment form or mandate his broker or notary to do so. Only then can we start the file.

To carry out the necessary surveys, the owner must ensure that our asbestos expert can gain access to the property. If the building is rented out, the owner must inform the tenant that an asbestos inventory will be carried out.

How is an asbestos attestation prepared?

Our certified asbestos experts come on site to prepare a correct and detailed asbestos certificate. In the process, a non-destructive examination is carried out, which means that no materials are dismantled or damaged. Samples of plasterwork, for example, are also always taken as discreetly as possible (e.g. in a corner).

As the owner, you are not obliged to be present during the site visit, but it is helpful to give us additional information about the property. Only during sampling, no one other than the asbestos expert should be present because of health risks.

Note: If the owner does not allow samples to be taken, the materials in question will be labelled as asbestos suspect anyway.  

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